Our worship at RELC is guided by Lutheran liturgy.
Liturgy = work of the people.
Congregation members assist in various capacities during worship:
Greeters…Ushers…Lectors…Acolytes…Assisting ministers…Communion distribution and Altar Guild
*Greeters: Arrive 20 minutes before worship. Greet people at the outer doors, welcome visitors and members. Introduce visitors to others and answer any questions about where, when, what to expect, etc.
*Ushers: hand out bulletins, help visitors find a seat, they also collect the offering and direct worshippers to Communion.
*Lectors: Weekly lessons are sent out by Thursday so you can review. Lectors speak from the pulpit – all ages welcome!
*Assisting Ministers: assist the Pastor during worship with readings, prayers, communion distribution, etc.
We encourage all ages to lead during worship!
*Altar Guild: Prepare Communion for worship service and set up the worship space and Altar table.
Kathy Rotolo kathy.rotolo@relc.org We have training available!