Music Ministry

Music Ministry is focused on serving in worship and praising God through music. In doing so, we nourish the musical abilities of our congregation, including singers and instrumentalists of all levels. We also bring the joys of music to people and places outside our regular worship schedule, including weddings, funerals, and visits in the community.

Practices: Thursdays, 7-8:30 PM August through May
and Sunday mornings before Sunday School at 8:30 am

Choir sings at worship services and a variety of special occasions both in and outside the church. New members welcome! Anyone who is interested in making music and serving in worship has a place in the RELC music ministry, regardless of skill level. Musicians are always welcome to share their talents during worship and for special events.
Choir Assistant: Xiao Liu
Accompanist: Kaleigh McGee
Librarian: Barb Emmets, Pam Davis

Practices: Project ensemble gathers before special events and practices as needed

Orchestra gathers for special services like Christmas, Easter, and Community concerts along with professional musicians. Volunteer musicians who can play in the orchestra are welcome to participate. Instrumentalists are expected to serve offering songs by the music director occasionally.
Contact: Jae Park

Practices: 11:15am every other Sunday

Handbell Choir prepares special services like Christmas, Easter, and Community concerts 2 or 3 months ahead. Practice time lasts 30 minutes to 50 minutes. Anyone who wishes to play can participate.
Contact: Mollie Kountz

Practices: 6:30pm every other Thursday night before regular choir

Fishermen is men’s choir. Fishermen prepares special services like Christmas, Easter, and Community concerts before 2 or 3 months ahead. Practice time lasts 1 hour typically.
Contact: Bob Owen

Music Ministry offers individual lessons such as vocal and piano lesson by request. If you wish to take lessons email the following teachers
Vocal: Xiao Liu (
Piano: Jae Park(

Jae Park (Music Director)