Grow In Faith
“I can read the same Bible passage at different times in my life, but each time it speaks to me in a unique way that helps me for that specific moment.” -RELC Adult Forum attendee
Click on the images below to see how we grow our faith in the RELC community.
Bible Study
RELC Adult Forum Sundays at 9:00 am
Adult Forum is a ‘drop in when you can’ time of Bible study and discussion, enriched by prayer and insightful sharing on Sunday mornings. Various books, topics, and lessons enhance each session. Grab a coffee and join the story – on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am.
We also offer Tuesday Bible Study at 11:00 am in the church and Wednesday Bible Study at 3:00 pm over Zoom.
We also have a weekly bible story handout on Sundays. You can check out our Know the Story online at the link below
Email: for more information.
CONTACT: Pastor Dave Kamphuis
Email: to get added to the Adult Zoom Bible Study.
Sunday School
Sundays at 9:00 am during the school year.
Godly Play for (preschool age through 3rd grade) They meet most Sunday mornings in the Godly Play Room.
Big Bang -Sunday School for all school age kids that have aged out of Godly Play. They meet two Sunday’s a month.
Adult Forum – drop in discussion and study. They meet most Sundays in Room 7.
Email: for more details.

Catechism and Confirmation
Using the Bible and Luther’s Small Catechism as its foundation, the Catechism program at RELC will guide students actively exploring their faith. A combined class of middle schoolers meets twice a month throughout the school year. Confirmation (for 9th graders) takes place on Reformation Sunday in October.
Youth are encouraged (and required) to take notes on sermons – here is a guide to assist worshipnotesplain
CONTACT:Pastor Dave
Email for more details.

First Communion Class
We do not have a designated age that it must and should occur. All it takes is understanding the elements involved.
Parents and youth meet with Pastor Dave for a few lessons (A Place for You) and have a hands on experience of making bread.
CONTACT: Pastor Dave Kamphuis
Email: for more information.

Vacation Bible School
Our Vacation Bible School (VBS) is open to ALL children preschool age 3 through 5th grade. We learn about God’s love through stories, songs, crafts, games, and snacks! There is a different theme each year.
VBS 2024 was June 25-27 from 6-7:30pm.
NOTE FOR PARENTS: Older youth assist the adult leaders.
Becky Rader or Mollie Kountz, VBS Coordinators
Email to help out or check out the board in the narthex