The RELC Giving Garden (GG) was established in the spring of 2016 as a result of an Eagle scout project. The GG mission is to grow garden fresh vegetables to supplement our church’s food pantry (Bread of Life Discipleship or BOLD) which is held weekly on Monday evenings.
The GG in 2016 consisted of 2 sections. Section 1 was a 480 square foot traditional garden plot and Section 2 was the Eagle scout project of building 4 raised beds that are each 4’ x 12’.
In 2021 the GG expanded with the addition of 2 raised beds (now a total of 6) and a 12’ x 20’ no-dig garden plot. With the additional raised beds, the traditional garden plot was reduced by half.
In 2022 the GG began to experiment with growing vegetables, herbs and flowers in fabric containers and straw bales. Our “container garden” is located on the south end of the church and is constantly changing because of its location and experimentation with new container gardening techniques and strategies.
Every year since the Giving Garden was established, we have the goal of increasing our harvest pounds from the previous year to support BOLD.
The Giving Garden continues to welcome all persons to join in the fellowship that gardening provides whether you have a green thumb or not so green thumb.
Contact: Carol Williams